Do not! Do not reply…

In the world of email marketing we are all hammered with email, after email, after email. This is why its important to check all the boxes that could deter any prospects or infuriate any customers wherever you can. One thing that really grinds my gears is the dreaded donotreply@ email senders. Nothing says we don’t care about you more than this, and though most don’t check who the senders email address is, in todays world of phishing its becoming more and more common.

Reducing Spam

I bet you didn’t know using info@ could get you caught in spam filters? Ok maybe you did, but just think about it. Nothing says generic we don’t care and are obviously soliciting you than an info@ email. If being boring wasn’t enough of a reason I’m sure breaking out of the spam filter was.

So lets get into some alternatives…

Some of our favorite sender alternatives

Picking your sender

This is where we can have some fun, and there are a ton of sender addresses that you can choose from. First I like to think of the brand, and who the email is being sent to. This should be vastly different when talking to customers, billing, sales, and prospecting. Below I put together a few concepts by department to help get your creative juices flowing.  Remember theres no wrong answer here, it all depends on you, your brand, and what your base would find fun, just make sure it’s anything but info@!


Everyone knows when your emailing sales@ your going to and trying to be sold, so leaving it as that will always get your the most qualified lead looking to be sold. In an enterprise sales approach this is most likely your best bet, but what if you are DTC or selling something that is more personal?

Here’s my favorite alternatives to sales@ email addresses

  • Joinus@
  • Letstalk@
  • Contact@


Your newsletter might be your basis of email marketing, so having your prospects feel important and part of your team could lead to more conversions and positive feedback.

Here’s my favorite alternatives to newsletter email addresses

  • crew@
  • hello@
  • team@


Support@ is not a bad start when helping your customers and is never the wrong choice, but some companies want their customers to feel a little more love than generic emails.

Here’s my favorite alternatives to support@ email addresses

  • help@
  • wecare@
  • quickreply@
  • welisten@

Have some ideas? Email me directly to submit yours and get mentioned on our site!

Published On: November 25th, 2024 / Categories: Email Marketing / Tags: , /

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